piątek, 5 stycznia 2018

Tłumaczenie wywiadu z 20 stycznia.

 27 stycznia 2008
Sorrki że dawno nie pisałam ale jakoś nie czuję się dobrze. Dzisiaj bedę tłumaczyła wywiad zrobiony 20 stycznia. Pierwszych kilku zdań nie bedę tłumaczyła, ponieważ już są po Angielsku. Więc tak:

Dad: How long have you been at English school?
Agata: I can’t remember exactly but it was 8:45 a.m 5th Septemer 2006  
Dad: Did you learn english before?
Agata: a little bit, few month befor I came to England. In polish school I was learning French (3 years)
Dad: This few month, was it some english class, language class?
Agata: No it was a normal lessons at home.
Dad: And in England you came to year 4 because in Poland you finish three classes.
Agata: Here I started in year 6 because they start school early.
Dad: How many pupils are in your class?
Agata: 19
Dad: And you sitting by two people in table?
Agata: No it’s hard to tell because is different in some rooms. Some times we are sitting by 3 people in table and some times by 7 people.
Dad: What lessons do you have?
Agata: DT, maths, English, French, LSK, Art, history, geography, P.E, R.E, music, science, ICT, drama.
Dad:  What is your favourit lesson?
Agata: Maths, French, Art and ICT.
Dad: What is your favourite thing in english school?
Agata: That they don’t give you as much homework as in Poland and when the set you one they due it on next week!!!!
Dad:  Do you have swimmingpool in school?
Agata: No. There where I live is a small village and the same school as my are only two. We have got only one swimmingpool in whole village but they building one and it will be biger.

                                                                        To be continue……………

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